Starting in 2017, and ending in 2022 I would create various games on the platform "Roblox". These games would never get many visits, and weren't that great, but I had fun making them. All of these games were coded in Lua since that is what Roblox supports. This was my first experience with developing any kind of software.
In late 2023/early 2024 I would discover the "Figura" mod for the game "Minecraft". This mod allowed you to make your own avatars in 3D modeling software called "BlockBench", and code them in Lua. To this day I still occasionally add on to my avatar for this mod, obtainable on my CodeBerg Account under the repo Bunny's Avatar V2 (V1 is on my GitHub here)
In 2024 I started a group of hobbyists called "Figura Goofballs". At first we thought we would only do stuff related to Figura, but we quickly expanded to programming in general.
A little after I started developing I got into Java. This would prove to be a useful skill for when I got into modding the game "Minecraft". Until developing Minecraft mods, I never really made anything worthwhile in Java, so all of the projects are lost to time.
In 2023, I started making mods for the game "Minecraft". My first mod was a clone of "WorldEdit" designed to work completely on the client by sending commands to the server called "WorldBender". This is a mod I used for a bit, but later stopped using it due to me always having &wuot;WorldEdit" available. My second mod was made with the other "Figura Goofballs", and it is an addon for the "Figura" mod that adds various Lua functions based on what people want and what we feel like adding. This mod is called GoofyPlugin.
A year or two after I started Java, I got into C#. I would make various trinkets with it, but none of those would stand the test of time. My finished projects include a calculator and a timer.
Skull Docs
Gallifreyan Text